Family farm of 150 acres that butts up to almost 1000 acres of public land. The farm is managed heavily for whitetail. B&C bucks are always in the area and have had some incredible bucks.
I have wild pheasant hunting on privately owned farmland. Fully guided with well trained dogs.
IA whitetail deer. Mixed timber/agricultural ground. Archery or Late muzzleloader. Turkey many mature gobblers. Spring turkey season.
Family run farm with over 500 acres. Almost 100% guaranteed shot on antlerless with bucks from 130+. Pheasant hunting included on separate property.
I have a few different hunts I can offer on my families farm of roughly 8000 acres. Whitetail/Turkey, Coyote, Pheasant
Guided, semi-guided or DIY whitetail hunt on private ground in zone 5 (Appanoose county).
Private ground for mature whitetail 150"+ stands and multiple box blinds. Non outfitter hunt, lodging available bow or gun.
Offering a late season muzzleloader whitetail hunt over planted food plots. Temps will be in the zero to below zero range and hunting will be from enclosed blinds. Often 40 plus deer seen per hunt.
Hunt includes private 100+ farm in the Mississippi river bluff region of northeast Iowa, with food plots waterholes crp wooded valleys , several options for lodging motels an cabins in close proximity
Southern Iowa- private land- stands already set up. Great hunt for a world class whitetail Archery or muzzleloader
I would like to trade a iowa whitetail hunt for mule deer hunt on private land.
Hunt on privet land this land has never had a hunt sold or trade done on it. In the last 9 years I have personally killed a 160" whitetail every year on it.
private access to 300+ acres in iowa
My dad and I can offer 2-3 days of hunting, with dogs, on private ground. Late November is best but November and December are prime bird hunting. We can even offer lodging with enough notice