Come get some winter migration hunting in northern nm.
I have an deer and antelope tag and I would be willing to trade these in for an elk hunt bow or rifle
Hunt turkeys in the mountains of New Mexico! Can also help you out if you drew a big game tag.
Bow tag just became available in arguably one of the best units in the state
I have experience with DIY off range oryx hunts in NM and am willing to share my experience with others. I'm not a guide but I can definitely show you how and where to hunt oryx on public land.
Merriam turkey hunts on private land in the mountains of southcentral New Mexico
I have about 15,000 acres of private land in southcentral New Mexico for antelope. You can expect 14 to 15 inch antelope that will score in the mid 70's usually.
I have 5000 acres of private land in southcentral New Mexico. You can expect 140 to 160 class bucks
I have private land elk hunts in south central New Mexico on about 50,000 acres. You can expect 260 to 330 class bulls with the possibility of bigger. You can choose rifle or bow.