Near Yazoo City in the Mississippi Delta.
Lots of options for the style of Hunt and weapon of choice.
Georgia Alligator hunt. will provide one tag boat and equipment and possibly lodging. Can accommodate up to two hunters.
we hunt public land on lottery permit awards. We have the boats and all equipment needed. No hunts are guaranteed but we put in the hours to get you on some nice gators. Upto 2 hunters.
Cross bow , bow or spining reel off an airboat
I offer alligator, hog, Osceola turkey hunts and inshore/offshore fishing charters
Northern Oklahoma predator hunting. It will mostly be coyotes with the occasional bobcat or badger. Plenty of pastures and fields to hunt. Will be guided by me.
I will supply transportation, lodging, and a rifle w/night vision. I will take hunters on land I have exclusive permission to hunt. I will call and put hunters in the best position to have shots.
Come on up to experience a true Canadian trap line. Trapping of Wolves, pine marten, fisher, Fox, Lynx, Beaver, otter are just some of the critters we would be going after!
GA coast gator hunt with great lodging and boat included
the 6 day winter wolf hunts . full lodging and meals included no limit on wolves we average 70% opportunity. Licences are $100
We hunt the mid December through March. Out of heated ground
Weekend alligator hunt on 5000 acres of private wetland. 10’+ possible have gotten some upwards of 13’. The photos posted are from this past year. Season is in September.
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